IIT Publications Search

Migliavacca M., Cedrún-Morales M., Ceballos M., Soprano E., Polo E., Pelaz B., Del Pino P.
Engineered cell membrane-cloaked metal-organic framework nanocrystals for intracellular cargo delivery
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Bielawski P. B., Zhang I., Correa-Paz C., Campos F., Migliavacca M., Polo E., Del Pino P., Pelaz B., Vivien D., Maysinger D.
Modulation of Abundance and Location of High-Mobility Group Box 1 in Human Microglia and Macrophages under Oxygen–Glucose Deprivation
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
Pérez-Mato M., Dopico-López A., Akkoc Y., López-Amoedo S., Correa-Paz C., Candamo-Lourido M., Iglesias-Rey R., López-Arias E., Bugallo-Casal A., da Silva-Candal A., Bravo S. B., Chantada-Vázquez M. P., Arias S., Santamaría-Cadavid M., Estany-Gestal A., Zaghmi A., Gauthier M. A., Gutiérrez-Fernández M., Martin A., Llop J., Rodríguez C., Almeida Á., Migliavacca M., Polo E., Pelaz B., Gozuacik D., El Yamani N., SenGupta T., Rundén-Pran E., Vivancos J., Castellanos M., Díez-Tejedor E., Sobrino T., Rabinkov A., Mirelman D., Castillo J., Campos F.
Preclinical validation of human recombinant glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke
Migliavacca M., Correa-Paz C., Pérez-Mato M., Bielawski P. B., Zhang I., Marie P., Hervella P., Rubio M., Maysinger D., Vivien D., Del Pino P., Pelaz B., Polo E., Campos F.
Thrombolytic therapy based on lyophilized platelet-derived nanocarriers for ischemic stroke
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
Soprano E., Migliavacca M., López-Ferreiro M., Pelaz B., Polo E., Del Pino P.
Fusogenic Cell-Derived nanocarriers for cytosolic delivery of cargo inside living cells
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Correa-Paz C., Navarro Poupard M. F., Polo E., Rodríguez-Pérez M., Migliavacca M., Iglesias-Rey R., Ouro A., Maqueda E., Hervella P., Sobrino T., Castillo J., Del Pino P., Pelaz B., Campos F.
Sonosensitive capsules for brain thrombolysis increase ischemic damage in a stroke model
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
Rotem R., Micale A., Rizzuto M. A., Migliavacca M., Giustra M., Salvioni L., Tasin F., Prosperi D., Colombo M.
Modeling the interaction of amphiphilic polymer nanoparticles with biomembranes to guide rational design of drug delivery systems
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
Martínez R., Navarro Poupard M. F., Álvarez A., Soprano E., Migliavacca M., Carrillo-Carrión C., Polo E., Pelaz B., Del Pino P.
Nanoparticle behavior and stability in biological environments
Nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Publisher: Elsevier