IIT People Search

Giulia Franceschin

Senior Researcher
Post Doc
Cultural Heritage Technologies
Research center

Giulia is specialized in the design and study of complex solid materials and nano-structured inorganic systems. Her research is actually focusing on the multi-scale analysis of the physicochemical properties of ancient materials (ceramics, metal alloys, glassy surfaces) to improve the understanding of the alteration mechanisms involved, and on the design of innovative protective strategies based on non-toxic and sustainable formulations. She is actively involved in the GoGreen European project, working on the development of more sustainable conservation materials and practices.

In 2020, Giulia obtained an appointment as associate professor at the University of Paris. She has previously held PostDoc positions at French CNRS and at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay,  when she collaborated with the SOLEIL Synchrotron in Paris and the C2RMF at the Louvre Museum. She was awarded her PhD in Surfaces, Interfaces and Functional Materials at the University of Paris Diderot in 2017.


Title: Qualification to the role of "Maîtres de Conférences"
Description: Qualification obtained by the French Ministry for Reserch and Education for Material Chemistry (section 33 of the French National Council of Universities) and Dense Environments and Materials (section 28 of the French National Council of Universities) sections.
Date: 27-02-2020

All Publications
Traviglia A., Stucchi M. E., Lamuraglia R., Franceschin G.
Archaeometric Analysis of Roman Mosaic and Fresco Fragments from Aquileia: Maximising Insights into Suburban Settlements
30th EAA Annual Meeting
Poster Conference
Zanini R., Franceschin G., Vigorelli L., Iori G., Chiaberge L., Longo E., Guidorzi L., Re A., Giudice A.L., Traviglia A.
Laboratory and synchrotron x-ray micro–computed tomography to shed light on degradation features of corroded Roman glass
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Article Journal
Stucchi N. M. E., Franceschin G., De Nardi C., Vavasori A., Traviglia A.
Learning from romans: when Vitruvian recipes became the inspiration for new technology
6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology – InART2024 – in Oslo 4–7 June 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Franceschin G., Zanini R., Iori G., Longo E., Divitini G., Tromba G., Traviglia A.
Non-destructive 3D exploration of silicate glass corrosion: a combined multiscale approach from the macro to the nanoscale
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 26, (no. 12), pp. 9697-9707
Iori G., Hans P., Stucchi N. M. E., Khan L. U., Saadaldin A., Possenti E., Franceschin G., Khasoneh S. A., Bonora G. L., Dardeniz G.
Non-Destructive Examination of Ancient Vitreous Materials from Southwest Asia: Synchrotron Computed Tomography at the Beats Beamline of Sesame
Journal of Cultural Heritage
Article in Press Journal
Awards and Achievements
Traviglia A., Moglianetti M., Franceschin G., Zanini R.
Structural analysis of a photonic crystal naturally grown on a Roman glass fragment
Traviglia A., Artesani A., Franceschin G., Keune K., Bertrand L.
Green conservation materials for European Heritage
Organized Events
Franceschin G., Roberta Z., Arianna T.
Glass and Conservation. The sustainability in Glass Conservation.
Traviglia A., Artesani A., Franceschin G., Keune K., Bertrand L.
Green conservation materials for European Heritage