The tenure track selection procedure follows international standards. Tenure track scientists are typically hired upon international calls. An international Search Committee, consisting of three external members, one representative of the STC, and one representative of the Recruitment and Promotion Committee (RPC- an internal committee consisting of Tenured PIs, Center coordinators and Deputy Directors), is established by the Scientific Director to evaluate applications and create a short list of candidates to interview. Short listed candidates are invited at the IIT Central Research Laboratories for a public oral presentation and for the interview. Candidates may access the tenure track at junior (stage 1) or senior level (stage 2 without tenure or tenured). The maximum duration of the tenure track is 5 + 5 years (stage 1 + stage 2). A peer review evaluation must be passed at the end of each phase. Senior scientists can also be recruited directly as tenured scientists upon recommendation of the STC and the RPC.

Mammalian Synthetic Biology
call chiusa
Computational Neuroscience
Domande totali: 33
Candidato selezionato: Peter Neri
Nanomaterials for low carbon energy transition
Domande totali: 27
Candidati selezionati: Isabella Poli and Angelica Chiodoni
RNA Biology and Genomics
Domande titali: 36
Candidati selezionati: Francesco Nicassio e Dafne Campigli di Giammartino
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Domande totali: 18
Candidato selezionato: Giorgio Divitini
Humanoid Robot Control Locomotion
Domande totali: 12
Candidato selezionato: Daniele Pucci
Computational Material Sciences
Domande totali: 25
Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
Domande totali: 40
Synthetic and Systems Biology
Domande totali: 28
Candidato selezionato: Velia Siciliano
Tissue Engineering
Domande totali: 35
Candidato selezionato: Francesca Santoro
Multidisciplinry approach to Biosystems Investigation
Domande totali: 64
Robot Locomotion
Domande totali: 14
Candidato selezionato: Claudio Semini
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Domande totali: 55
Domande totali: 56
Domande totali: 49
Computational multi-scale modelling of materials
Domande totali: 65
Nanotechnology/materials science
Domande totali: 190
Molecular Biology
Domande totali: 98
Candidati selezionati: Arash Ajoudani, Sergey Artyukhin, Cristian Ciracì, Marco Polini e Massimiliano Pontil