IIT start-ups are looking for investors or business partners coming from financial and/or industrial-related sectors.

Advanced Microturbines srl is an IIT start-up based on an IIT patented technology. It deals with the technical and commercial development of a 1-Euro-coin shaped small turbine conceived to generate small but strategic amounts of electric energy in remote areas where it is not possible or convenient to use cables, but where air or gas pressure is available. The product can make the energy distribution network more efficient and supply the necessary energy to sensors of “off-grid” applications.

From the Joint Lab of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia at Novacart, an Italian worldwide leader in the production of paper baking molds for the food sector, thanks to a patented technology, Alkivio® was born. Based on the sustainability needs of customers Alkivio develops biopellets that are designed to be biodegradable, compostable, ecosustainable, colorable and compatible with the most common industrial processes, such as injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming, 3D printing and blow molding. Starting from paper, Alkivio launched its first commercial biocomposite line, AlkiPaper®, a new material that while processable and usable just like plastic, is formulated to controllably decompose at the end of its lifecycle.

BeDimensional is a start-up dedicated to the development of novel materials based on graphene and other two-dimensional crystals for the manufacturing industry. The company will serve the market through a combination of consulting and production activities, which originates from the capability to modify and personalize the characteristics of the two-dimensional crystals to create innovative materials in response to the challenges of modern industry.

Biki Technologies is an IIT start-up focused on developing a computational platform for drug discovery and design. Drawing from the experience of the Computational Chemistry@IIT, Biki Technologies will allow pharmaceutical companies to cut costs and time in developing new drugs by providing a software predictor of molecules binding kinetics.

Circle Garage is an Italian start-up company manufacturing a new concept of wearable devices based on a patented technology developed by IIT. The company was established in 2012 by former IIT PhD student Marco Gaudina to combine his experience in the field of software development, robotics and electronics in the industrial sector with concepts and methods coming from the research world.

Corticale S.r.l. is a neurotech company, whose main purpose is the development, production and commercialization of active CMOS high-density neural interfacing probes for pre-clinical and clinical applications. Corticale's products are based on the SiNAPS technology, whose core consists in a monolithic micrometric unit, named electrode-pixel, able to sense and amplify the neuronal signal in situ (in close proximity to neuronal brain cells). The replication of this basic unit allows for the creation of customizable neural interfaces that simultaneously record from thousands of densely packed electrodes the bioelectrical activity of an unprecedented number of single neurons while keeping extremely low physical dimensions, power consumption and number of interconnecting wires. This, altogether, opens up the road for the next generation of minimally invasive neural interfaces.

Exsensia is an innovative start-up born from the synergy between the Softbots research line of the Italian Institute of Technology and the University of Pisa. Our mission is to revolutionize robotic programming with intuitive and flexible methods, simplifying the management of complex systems and reducing the need for highly specialized skills.
Our software, based on proprietary artificial intelligence, enables robotic systems to self-generate instructions to repeat a learned task after a single demonstration provided by the user, dynamically adapting to the environment. Thanks to the Joiint-Lab project, a joint laboratory between IIT and Intellimech, our technology has been successfully tested in industrial settings, meeting the needs of companies within the Intellimech Consortium.
With Exsensia, robotic programming becomes a scalable advantage for various sectors, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to market demands and optimize productivity through innovative processes.

Foresee biosystems srl aims at producing and commercializing an innovative platform for the pre-clinical evaluation of drug-induced toxicity on human heart cells (cardiomyocytes), proposing a solution able to bridge the technological gap between the development and the biological evaluation phases of a drug. The platform couples a well-known and widely commercial technology for monitoring the electrical activity of cells (extracellular electrophysiology on Micro Electrode Array - MEA) and an innovative method based on optical technologies that allows for intracellular access and the recording of action potentials generated by the cells. This makes the product extremely effective and unique in the field of pre-clinical evaluations stage for the study and development of drugs.

HiQ HiQ-Nano is a nanotechnology-oriented company focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of high-quality nanoparticles. The company exploits its strong scientific expertise in nanofabrication, nanobiotechnology and material science to satisfy the demanding needs of both academic research and industrial players. HiQ-Nano provides highly monodispersed and stable nanoparticles, with a low batch-to-batch variability, accurately characterized for their shape, size distribution, charge, and agglomeration state.

Iama Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of novel medicines to make a difference in the lives of children suffering from brain disorders and their families. Iama Therapeutics was born from experience in pharmaceutical chemistry and neuropharmacology, and from a patent of the Italian Institute of Technology, for the development of compounds that promote intracellular homeostasis and reduce hyperexcitability of some neuronal cells in pathological conditions. Our mission is to realize the hopes for the better well-being of people with neurodevelopmental disorders by seeing and investing in change as an opportunity.

Kidaria Bioscience is the result of research by the Smart-Bio Interfaces Team of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Dedicating itself to the selection and preparation of plant extracts linked to the Cinque Terre territory, Kidaria creates innovative cosmetic products. After careful biochemical characterization and on the basis of specific tests conducted on human dermal cells, we select the best extracts and balance the concentrations to be used in our formulas. For Dionisia, the first line of our cosmetics, launched on the market in December 2023, we started from the pomace resulting from pressing to give a second life to an apparently poor resource, naturally rich in polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins, all molecules with a strong antioxidant activity. Thanks to the uniqueness of the results obtained from this study we have patented both the extraction method and the composition of the Dionisia extract, became a registered trademark, which was found to be able to reduce of approximately 80% the dermal cells stressed by strong pro-oxidative agents.

Morecognition is a start-up dedicated to improve and give a new approach to the rehabilitation process making it simpler and more affordable. The Motion Recognition REMO system comprises a wearable device able to interpret patient’s muscular activity and an intuitive mobile App meant to help the Physical Therapists (PTs). It lends itself to being applied in many scenarios such as sports and fitness or industry 4.0 to interact with machines and robots.

Movendo Technology is a medical company start-up of the Italian Institute of Technology. The company develops medical devices using advanced rehabilitation technologies effective, simple to use and with whom to interact easily. The first device marketed is Hunova: an innovative robotics platform for the functional evaluation and the rehabilitation of the lower limbs and body. Movendo Technology comes from the Rehab Technologies Facility of IIT which is a research initiative created to develop and realize new prosthetic, orthotic and rehabilitation devices of high technological impact. The start-up company has been funded by Sergio Dompè, chairman of the homonymous biopharmaceutical group.

Novavido is a start-up focused on the development of retina prostheses. Born upon the results of a long-standing collaboration between Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital, the company is now working to create a breakthrough nanotechnology-based medical device to recover vision in blind patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa. Novavido works on a disruptive technology based upon the use of a photovoltaic polymer in the formulation of nanoparticles.

Organic Bioelectronics offers devices and solutions for personalized sensing of the signals from the human body. Our technology, developed from multidisciplinary research at IIT in Ferrara, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e Università di Ferrara, enables the design and production of sensors that are easy-to-use, ultralight, impalpable, low cost and low power, but above all, that communicate with us in real time. Applications range from skin integrated diagnostics, to monitoring the state of well-being, to measuring chemical parameters related to physical activity/performance, to agrifood and environmental monitoring.

Proteso makes exoskeletons that help companies achieve injury-free productivity and workers feel no fatigue and pain. Our company was born out of a joint R&D effort between IIT and INAIL, aimed at developing technologies to solve the problem of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. WMSDs impact millions of workers and companies across several industries, with associated costs of 240 billion Euros every year in the EU alone. Our exoskeletons make it easier to carry out physically demanding jobs such as lifting and moving heavy material, which is still very common in many sectors including industrial manufacturing and logistics. Our first product is a powered back-support exoskeleton specifically designed to prevent back pain. It reduces the strain on the lumbar spine by providing powerful and timely assistance when doing heavy work, while leaving the worker free to move unrestricted when no help is required.

QBRobotics develops innovative devices to exploit soft robotics technologies. At present, the company’s main devices pivot around the design and development of soft robotic muscles and robotic hands. The robotic muscles exploit the principles of variable stiffness actuation and take the form of robotic “building blocks” to be assembled according to need. These technologies were developed with the aim of bringing sophisticated and ground-breaking research from cutting-edge laboratories to robotics enthusiasts making it available and accessible to all.

ReWing is an innovative startup devoted to the commercialization and development of highly technological devices for the sensorimotor rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic or neurological impairments. The firsts products of ReWing are robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation. Thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms, these devices automatically adapt to the needs of the patients, ensuring the right balance between the level of assistance and the active participation of the patient.

Ribes Tech is a start-up originated from a research partnership between the Center for Nano Science and Technology (CNST) @ IIT Milano and OMET, a printing machines company, with the purpose of developing a polymer based, roll-to-roll printed photovoltaic technology. This conjunct effort resulted in the creation of a novel process for printable plastic photovoltaic modules which allows to integrate integrated energy sources in consumer products and smart buildings. Several application in B2B market are in the launch phase aiming to replace standard power sources.

SAMS Technology develops innovative industrial marking systems designed specifically for the world of pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics primary packaging. SAMS has developed hardware and software products for traceability and anti-counterfeiting of products along the entire supply chain, from manufacturer to consumer, also capable of enabling new channels for packaging recycling and reuse. The Vision is a transparent, connected, integrated and digital supply chain. SAMS is also developing traceability and anti-counterfeiting devices and products designed for the world of documents, passports and individual identification devices, as well as laser processing platforms for high-resolution applications.

SmartMicroOptics (SMO) is a start-up company of the NBT department of IIT. SMO aims to provide the possibility of viewing the micro world to everyone through a family of innovative products in the field of microscopy, consumer electronics and micro-optics. The company was set up as a result of the research activities on imaging systems for neuroscience investigation.

TranSINE Therapeutics (TTx) is a seed-stage RNA therapeutics company based in Cambridge, UK. TTx is developing the SINEUP™ platform, a technology partly invented at IIT. SINEUPs™ are small, long non-coding RNA molecules that are targeted to bind to the messenger RNA of specific genes and recruit key components of the ribosomal machinery. As a result of this interaction, SINEUPs specifically elevate the amount of protein made from each molecule of targeted mRNA. The SINEUP™ platform is well-differentiated from other technologies and the key advantages of SINEUPs™ include versatility, specificity and safety. TTx is developing unique, novel therapeutics to boost the protein levels of specific genes in multiple therapeutic areas, including ophthalmology and neurology.

X-nano is an innovative startup operating in nanotechnologies applied to energy transition. The main applications concern the production of anodes for lithium-ion batteries, the production of nanostructured catalysts for electrolysers and flow batteries, the production of hydrogen by pyrolysis and the production of coatings for nuclear applications.